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Remote learning

Home Learning at Diamond Hall Junior Academy is intended to develop our pupils' excitement and passion. We believe in fostering a lifelong love of learning for all our pupils. Lifelong learners are motivated to learn and develop because they want to: it is a deliberate and voluntary act. Lifelong learning can enhance our understanding of the world around us, provide us with more and better opportunities, and improve our quality of life. Home Learning may be used as additional learning, or in cases where a child is unable to attend school for a medical reason.

PANDA online learning portal

PANDA online learning portal


We have developed an online platform called PANDA which allows our children and parents access all home learning, for each week,  in one place.  A guide on how to use PANDA can be found at the bottom of this page and you can access PANDA here.

Our home learning routines 

Our current home learning routes are:

  • Creative homework is set every half term. We know the standard of work from children through creative projects is excellent. 
  • Children must read to an adult for at least 15 minutes, 5 times a week. An adult must sign their reading record when this is done. Reading quizzes to be completed using the Accelerated Reader programme. 
  • Learning spelling patterns – these are sent home weekly. 
  • Weekly handwriting practise,
  •  Multiplication tables weekly through Times Tables Rockstars and reciting these to increase their fluency so that they can be applied in other areas of maths and problem-solving. 
  • Weekly Maths homework via Freckle.

Home learning for this half term 

You can find your child's home learning on PANDA. Please contact your child’s class teacher if you have any questions or are having difficulty accessing any of the learning platforms.

Remote Learning 

In the uncertain times that we are currently living in, it is important that we are fully prepared for the possibility that we may have to have a full or partial closure of school depending on the local Covid-19 situation. There may be times where a child is required to isolate and is therefore unable to attend school. There may also be other occasions where a child is unable to attend due a medical need or other authorised reason. If the child is well enough to do so, they will be expected to complete remote learning. We recognise that some pupils may not have suitable online access at home. If this is the case, please contact your child’s class teacher, who will be able to provide paper copies of work.

As a school, we are producing detailed plans for remote education so that children will have access to a high-quality education at home. 

We also recognise that some pupils, for example with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), may not be able to access remote education without support from adults at home. We acknowledge the difficulties this may place on families, and we will work with parents and carers to support those pupils. School and parents may agree that paper materials are more appropriate for their child’s needs.

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